Talk about an adrenaline rush -- he entered the school gym, looked all the way across the crowd of around 1000 people, saw me, recognized me, got a big smile on his face and waved -- at ME!!! Then, in the reception line afterward, he said MY name, "Hi, Pattie, how are you?" He was the most famous person I had ever had conversations with (no, it wasn't Donny -- I have not had "conversations" with Donny), and he actually remembered my name! My spirit was soaring that day! And he is just a man!
Do you realize that our Father in Heaven is the most famous One of all? He is the Creator of the universe, the Master of all things, The King of all Kings, your Creator and HE KNOWS YOUR NAME!!! He not only knows your name, He knows your heart, your thoughts, your feelings -- EVERYTHING about you! If you were the only one who had ever lived, He would still have sent His only Son to die in your place!!! THAT IS FAMOUS!!! And . . . He not only knows your name, He calls you by your name -- are you listening???
We sing the song at church "I have a Maker, He knows my heart . . . He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and hears me when I call". Call out to Him today -- He is waiting to hear from you!!!
I was looking for fellow Oregonians on the Beth Moore blog. Keep up the great writing!